Scientific advice at the service of society

I. Teaching reading, literature, history of education / Institutional TDK presentations

a. Teaching reading, literature, history of education

Session leader: Sándor Attila Tóth

Venue: Building C, Room 4

1300-1320Nóra Huszár-Samu
„Reading fluency development programmes in international research“
1320-1340Renáta Anna Dezső
„Reading comprehension, reading fluency and their correlation withrelevant mindset markers - first survey results of a pilot study“
1340-1400Sándor Attila Tóth
„Home as topos in the poem of Daniel Berzsenyi "Hungary"“
1400-1420Réka Horváth
„Supplementary material for the subject of ecucational history: The medieval ideal of beauty“

Coffee break 1420-1500

b. Institutional TDK presentations

Session leader: Mária Kanizsai

Venue: Building C, Room 4

1500-1520Patrícia Pestality - Kata Schwartz 
„The effects of literary education on the emotional development of young children. A methodological toolkit with original stories for pre-school children.“
1520-1540Karolina Olenyik
„The role and importance of vocabulary in preschool. Examining the vocabulary of older kindergarten children.“
1540-1600Csenge Égi
„Integration, inclusion, prejudice and special needs from the perspective of pedagogy.“
1600-1620Virág Kocsis - Kinga Kovács
„Self-Reflective Methods in the Study of Target Language Literary Texts“
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